Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

297 - Degree in Optics and Optometry

26828 - Audiometry and Auditory Prostheses

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
26828 - Audiometry and Auditory Prostheses
Faculty / School:
100 - Facultad de Ciencias
297 - Degree in Optics and Optometry
3 and 4
Second semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning system that has been designed for this subject  is based in the following points:


The matter is structered in 30 one-hour  sessions (3ECTS) given in large groups, and 30 one-hour sessions given in small groups.


Additionally the teachings of this area will include the non-presential load of work corresponding to the total of ECTS credits of the subject (90hours aproximately).


The teaching sessions content will be based in the teachers recommended bibliography, which will be adapted to the student´s knowledge level.

5.2. Learning tasks

Classroom teaching. Large group classes


Classroom teaching. Short group classes


1: Otoscopy, videotoscopy


2: impedanciometry


3: Earmold impression


4: Ton eliminar and supraliminal Audiometry


5: Vocal Audiometry


6: Hearing Aidss Types, Hearing Aids selection in order to hearingloss and  hearing Aids accessories


7: Free field audiometry


8: Hearing Aids and solutions for children


9:  Earmolds modifications . Daily care and troubleshooting common hearing aids problema..

5.3. Syllabus

Class 1: Auditory sense


Class 2: Sound. Soundwaves


Class 3: Volume, tone and  timbre of the sound


Class 4: Reflection, refraction, and diffraction of sound


Class 5: Interference,  Doppler effect, resonance ,distortion


Class 6: Audiométricunit :the octave


Class 7: The  decibel


Class 8: Audiograms


Class 9:  The Pinna


Class 10.The External Auditory Cannal


Class  11: The Eardrum


Class 12: Outer Ear Patology


Class 13: Middle Ear Anatomy


Class 14: The mastoid. Eustachean Tube.


Class 15: Middle Ear Patology.


Class 16: The inner Ear. The semicircular Canals.


Class 17: The Cochlea.


Class 18: Cochlear duct: The Corti organ


Clase 19: The outer hair cells


Class 20: The inner hair cells and  transduction


Class 21: Auditory Pathway Brainsistem..  Brodmann Areas and  Olivocochlear  Rasmussen SYSTEM.


Class 22: Acoustic otoemissions, Auditory Brain Responses and  Stady-state multifrequency auditory evoked potentials


Class 23: Tone luminal  Audiometry


Class24: Enmascaramiento audiométrico


Class 25: Vocal Audiometry, Impedanciometry


Class26: Tinnitus


Class 27: Hearing aids 1


Class 28: Hearing Aids 2


Class 29: Cochlear Implants


Class  30: Children Hearingloss

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources


Gil-Carcedo García, Luis María. Otología / Gil-Carcedo García, Luis María, Vallejo Valdezate, Luis Ángel, Gil-Carcedo Sañudo, Elisa . - 3ª ed. Buenos Aires ; Madrid [etc.] : Médica Panamericana, D.L. 2011


Portmann, Michel. Audiometría clínica : con atlas de gráficas audiométricas / por Michel Portmann, Claudine Portmann ; versión castellana del doctor José María Torres de Gassó . - 3a ed. rev. y puesta al día Barcelona : Toray-Masson, 1979


Salesa Batlle, Enrique. Tratado de audiología / Enrique Salesa Batlle, Enrique Perelló Scherdel, Alfredo Bonavida Estupiñá . [1ª ed.] Barcelona [etc.] : Masson, D. L. 2005


Salesa Batlle, Enrique. Tratado de audiología / Enrique Salesa Batlle, Enrique Perelló Scherdel, Alfredo Bonavida Estupiñá . 2ª ed. Barcelona [etc.] : Masson, 2013


Sebastián, Gonzalo de. Audiología práctica / Gonzalo de Sebastián, con la colaboración de José J. Badaracco, David G. Postan . - 5ª ed. Madrid [etc.] : Médica Panamericana, 1999